2022 seniors bookmark this!

I get a lot of seniors who come to me nervous about their session day. Not about the pictures, but more of the preparation for the day. They ask me, “What if I forget something?!” Well, this list should help ease your mind while you get ready for your big day!

#1. Put each full outfit on ONE hanger.

This helps you see your clothes put together as whole collections instead of just pieces. This will help you see if you’re missing anything on each outfit.

#2. Start a senior session Pinterest board and include ideas for makeup and hair inspiration.

When you book with Jessica Works Photography, you get multiple looks, so this will help remind you of the different varieties you like.

#3. Pair your accessories with each outfit.

This is one of the most forgotten items for session day. Include a Ziploc bag of accessory pouch for EACH outfit so you know what jewelry goes with each different outfit.

Follow these tips for a smooth session day! And remember, Jessica Works Photography seniors get a TON of prep material before the big day, so there's nothing to sweat about!