So you need to find a photographer for your senior portraits...

When I was in school, there were just a handful of photographers in DeKalb County. Choosing someone was pretty easy. I can imagine trying to choose a photographer for this very important time in your life can be stressful and confusing when there are so many good choices. There are a few points you can consider when narrowing down to choose which senior photographer is right for you.

One: Does the photographer shoot mostly seniors or do a lot of everything?

When you are looking for a photographer, you should consider the specific type of portraits you are looking for. If you were looking for a really good cookies, you probably wouldn't go to Sam's Club. You would find somebody who has a bakery that bakes every day, that way you know they are well practiced and the cookies will be amazing.

Two: When you envision your finished portraits, what style are they in?

There are dozens of photographers just in Northeast Alabama. Many of them, if not most, have equally beautiful portfolios. What you have to decide is which photographer's style you love the most. I know a couple of lovely ladies that shoot wider angles and have light, airy images. I also know photographers who have more moody and dark editing styles. They are all great, but one will really draw you in.

 Three: What kind of experience do you want with your photographer?

Many photographers prefer a simple client-photographer relationship. There is a session and a gallery delivery email, and the work is done. Other photographers like to get to know their clients, provide a specialized session for them, include things like hair and makeup to help them look their best, provide their client with guidance to help them get everything ready for their session, and meet in person to go over your finished portraits together to help them choose images for their professional quality products. You get to decide what is best for you. 

Four: Location.

Where are you and how Far are you, or the photographer, willing to travel to have the kind of session and images that you want. Does your chosen photographer charge to travel outside of a certain Mileage range?

Five: (many of you may have put this at the top of your list, but I will include it here); Price.

Something that will be lassoed in with pricing is image quality. A cheaper price also usually means lower image quality. Everyone who is a good photographer now started out as someone who was just learning light and camera settings. You have the freedom to choose if image quality is more or less important than your overall monetary investment.Your final product, digital or print, will also impact your price. And a photographer that provides extra amenities will also need to charge more for their higher quality service.

Would I love for every senior to come to me? OF COURSE!

But I know that, just like wing flavors, I'm not the right choice for all of you. And not all of you are a good fit for me. I want every senior that chooses me to be glad they did. I specialize in senior portraits because I LOVE working with you. My seniors love being in front of the camera and we have a lot of fun together. I have landed on a style of editing and retouching that I love. I also include hair and makeup with my sessions, provide you with guides to help you prepare for your session, and meet in person to view your images after they are all edited and retouched.

So, choose a style you like, a photographer you like hanging out with, your desired level of service, the products you need and want, and enjoy the experience with whoever you end up with! I hope you LOVE your senior year and your senior portraits, no matter who you choose.