We get it... senior guys usually hate having their pictures taken, but that doesn’t mean you have to look like a hot mess in your senior pics. Taking the time to curate well put together outfits can launch your senior pics into the next level and have you looking sophisticated in no time. Be sure to follow these quick tips to look effortlessly put together in your senior pics.

1. Match your leathers: brown belt = brown shoes.

I know, I know... this an old man rule, but it really does make you look so much more put together.

2. Mix it up: bring a variety of colors, styles, and accessories for your session.

Are you a t-shirt and jeans guy? That's totally fine...for one outfit. But don't make all your outfits a t-shirt and jeans. Do one really casual look and one nice button up or sweater. Also, avoid wearing several outfits of the same shade. If green is your color, choose different shades, like a hunter and a sage.

3. Tailored is better: bring outfits that fit your body type to ensure you don’t look sloppy or heavier than you actually are.

A good fit, no matter your size, makes a big difference in the final look of your portraits. When you see mom's favorite on the wall, you won't be distracted by too-short or too-long sleeves, gaping button holes, or anything else. You will see your face first.